21 Mar, 2024

What to Do If You Get Bombarded with OTPs

Sarah, a busy marketing professional, was finalizing a client presentation when her phone buzzed. Glancing down,

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19 Mar, 2024

Be Alert! Scam Targeting people with Fake Police Calls on Skype/Telegram

Cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to steal money from unsuspecting people. Be aware of a

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18 Mar, 2024

The Encryption Arms Race: Understanding Quantum Decryption

Ever wondered how your online stuff stays safe? Imagine you’re sending a secret message to your

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15 Mar, 2024

FAKE MONEY: How to Spot Fake Trading Websites

The allure of easy money can be tempting, especially when it comes to online trading. But

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14 Mar, 2024

Biometric Authentication: A Balancing Act Between Convenience and Security

We’ve all been there: staring at a login screen, mind racing to recall a complex password.

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13 Mar, 2024

Uh oh, Data Leak! Decoding the Naz.API Breach and Protecting Your Stuff Online

Ever scroll through social media and get that creepy feeling someone’s watching? Well, in the case

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12 Mar, 2024

Is Your Face Safe? The Ethics of Facial Recognition Technology

Imagine unlocking your phone with a simple glance, or security systems instantly recognizing authorized personnel. Facial

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11 Mar, 2024

How to Avoid the “Digital House Arrest” Scam

The internet offers a wealth of information and connection, but it also harbors hidden dangers. A

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08 Mar, 2024

Diversity Wins: Why Women Are Key to a Secure Digital Future

Every year on March 8th, the world celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD), a day to recognize

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07 Mar, 2024

Why Cybercrime is Growing and How We Can Fight Back

Did you know that a staggering 97% of internet users are unable to recognize cybercrime?  This

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